A Guide on Land Subdivision
Posted on:
2 June 2019
People with large parcels of land often opt to divide them, as they will give higher returns when sold as small parcels. Developers may also choose to subdivide the property to put up residential or commercial units. In the excerpt below, you will learn the various considerations you need to make when subdividing land.
Land division is a costly process. Consequently, you should visit your local council offices and inquire how much it will cost to subdivide your land.
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Three Types Of Floors For Your New Home That Are Child-Friendly
Posted on:
20 May 2019
Households with children need flooring that is hard wearing, can withstand spills and is easy to clean. And on top of this, it needs to be stylish. Here are some options that don't collect dust and pet hair, can be easily swept and will also enhance your new home.
Attractive Hardwood Floors
Hardwood flooring is an excellent option for children — particularly older ones, as it is not a soft floor for toddlers to fall on.
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Two Mistakes That Could Affect Your Ability to Complete Your Building Project on Time
Posted on:
11 March 2019
It's important to be aware of the mistakes that may affect your ability to complete your building project on time. Read on to learn more about these mistakes.
Not calling the right type of locksmith if you get locked out of the building site
If your building site is secured by a lockable barrier, there is a chance that at some point during the project, you may end up getting locked out.
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How to Keep Your Business Open During an Interior Demolition Project
Posted on:
11 March 2019
If you're planning a huge overhaul for your commercial space, you may need to hire a contractor to do interior demolition for you. Traditionally, this process involves removing the walls, flooring and potentially even the utilities in a building so that you can rebuild. Wondering if you can keep your business open during this process? Consider the following tips.
1. Demolish One Area at a Time
So that you can stay open, you need to constantly have at least one area that is not under construction.
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