A Guide On Land Subdivision

Posted on: 15 July 2020

There are several reasons to subdivide your property. Perhaps you want to develop part of the property or sell some of the plots. Land subdivision can be a complicated and expensive process. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to subdivide your property. 

Check Local Laws

Your local council may need you to meet specific requirements before subdividing your land. As such, conduct some research to determine the following: 

What is the minimum plot size? Typically, you can divide the property into small plots if the area is zoned for residential use. Areas zoned for commercial and agricultural use have larger plots.

What amenities should the plots have? You may be required to install roads, power, water and drainage systems.

When subdividing large tracts of land, you may be required to make provisions for public amenities such as schools, hospitals and shopping complexes.

How much does the subdivision cost? Other than local council charges, you will need to pay a fee to get an electricity, water or gas connection on the property. 

The property must be registered in your name. Besides, it should not have any disputes. The local council may prevent you from subdividing the property if the area is marked as a heritage site. If the property does not meet the minimum plot size, you are allowed to make a special request to the local council. You are likely to get approval if you meet all other requirements. 

Market Survey

A market survey will help you determine the profitability of your venture. Check the current price and demand for land in your area. It would be unreasonable to subdivide the land if the plots fetch way less than property sold as a whole. If you intend to develop commercial or residential property, ask a real estate expert to help you choose suitable and appealing designs.  

The Subdivision Process

A land surveyor will help you subdivide the land. He or she begins the process by checking land maps to identify the boundaries of your property. After this, the surveyor will create a subdivision plan and take it to the land office for approval. Once the project is approved, he or she will subdivide the property into plots. You may need a subdivision contractor to build access roads, drainage system, install fences and amenities such as water and electricity. The surveyor will follow up with the lands office to ensure each of the plots has a title. 

When subdividing your land, check local planning laws, conduct a market survey and work with an experienced and licensed subdivision contractor. 


Carrying Out Home Renovations

Hello! If you have decided to renovate your home, you are probably looking for advice on how best proceed with planning and executing the working. Depending on the size and scope of your renovation plans, you may need to call on a wide range of different types of contractors in order to get the job done. You will also want to make sure that you get the job done for the possible price. This blog contains everything you need to know about working with contractors on a major renovation project. I hope it proves useful to you. I learnt all about home renovation when I hired a team of contractors to completely redesign and rebuild my home. They did a great job.

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