Concrete Crack Repairs – What Causes Settling Of The Soil?

Posted on: 3 January 2018

If you have a concrete driveway or kerbing, you probably chose this material due to its longevity and high durability. Nevertheless, over time, you would have to engage in concrete crack repairs to make sure that it does not reach a state of irreparability and require complete resurfacing. If you would like to keep these repairs to a minimum, it would be advisable to learn what causes these cracks in the first place. A typical culprit is the soil settlement. Here is an outline of some of the reasons why soil would settle and lead to subsequent cracks in your concrete slabs.

The soil is excessively dry

When concrete slabs are installed on your property, the space between the earth and the slab itself should be as minimal as possible. This snug fit is what prevents the slabs from moving. As time goes by, however, the soil underneath your concrete slabs may start to become dehydrated.

This phenomenon is especially common during the summer when the climatic conditions are characterised by high temperatures. Couple this with the drought in Australia, the soil shrinks and a gap is created in between your concrete and the ground. The bigger the void, the less support the concrete slabs have, and they can start to crack when pressure is exerted on the top of them.

To prevent this problem, you should look into keeping your concrete surfaces hydrated so that moisture can seep into the soil.

There is root intrusion

Not many people consider root intrusion on their driveway as they assume their trees will not grow past their garden. In truth, tree root systems can be quite extensive and can pose a risk of damage to more than just your plumbing. If you have a large tree on your property, it could be the cause of your concrete cracks as its roots begin to penetrate the foundation of the driveway or kerbing. It may be prudent to fell the tree to prevent further property loss.

The soil has been eroded

Another reason why your concrete slabs could become vulnerable to cracking is if the soil beneath them is steadily being washed away. Severe erosion of the base layer of soil will also lead to a gap between the concrete flooring and the ground. Thus, just as with soil shrinkage, the concrete does not have adequate support and would be susceptible to cracking. It is imperative for individuals to ensure that there are proper drainage channels installed on their property to prevent unnecessary erosion.

Also, if your concrete flooring has been installed on a slope, ensure the contractors have put measures in place to prevent the soil from being washed away when the rains come around.


Carrying Out Home Renovations

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