The Benefits laser scanning can bring to your project

Posted on: 25 August 2017

In recent years laser scanning has been gaining acceptance in many fields including civil engineering, architecture, and transport. As the technology has been refined to become even more accurate it has become possible to use laser scanning to create CAD drawings and even 3D models far more efficiently than is possible by taking manual measurements. Despite these advantages there are still those who prefer to measure manually and not to rely on lasers. What are some of the reasons that you should consider adopting laser scanning for your next project?

Laser scanning is less error prone

Laser scanning is more accurate than traditional measurement gathering techniques. No matter how professional your team may be, or how good they are at their job, when humans get involved there is always the possibility of errors creeping in. Manually created documents are much more likely to contain errors than documentation created from the results of laser scanning.

Laser scanning is faster

Laser scanning is faster to complete than taking manual measurements. As the laser measurements are more accurate there is less need for field fit-up and the associated costs that brings. Laser scanning also offers improved visibility of the area than it is possible to obtain manually.

Laser scanning allows better scheduling

Errors in the documentation frequently lead to problems further on in a project. Avoiding these initial errors by using laser scanning and 3D modelling can avoid scheduling delays and additional expense further down the line. Ensuring that you gather accurate data the first time allows you to create and stick to an agreed schedule.

Laser scanning is cost efficient

One of the objections often advanced against laser scanning is that it does require some upfront costs, what is not so often realised is that while manual documentation can only be used at one stage of the project, laser scanned documentation and models have a use throughout the entire life cycle of the project and beyond. Once the current project has been completed scans can be made available for the planning of future projects. The ongoing availability of the gathered data puts the initial planning investment into perspective, and shows the entire project to be cost efficient.

Laser scanning allows greater quality control

The greater accuracy in laser scanning compared with manual data gathering results in an overall improvement in quality. Having the right data available at the start means that there will be less errors in materials procurement, and crucially less rework as the correct information can be accessed by everyone involved in the project.

When all these reasons are considered it becomes clear that laser scanning is the logical choice for your next project.


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